Got Extra Wallpaper? Check Out These 5 Fun And Crafty Uses
At one time, wallpaper could be found plastered on at least one wall in whatever home you visited. Even though wallpaper may not be as popular as it once was, it is definitely still around and an easy way to add a little personality to a space. You may even have a few leftover rolls tucked away in your attic or garage. Before you haul that old wallpaper out to the curb or donate it to the secondhand store, you should know that wallpaper can be useful for way more than just covering walls. It can just as easily adhere to other surfaces. Here are five crafty ways to use up that old wallpaper you have hanging around the house.
1. Redo an old piece of furniture. - If you have a beat-up, old dresser or table, you can cut pieces of wallpaper to cover the faces of dresser drawers or the top of a table. This is a great way to add some artistic flair, but also covers flaws that would otherwise show with a basic paint job.
2. Add some personality to an interior door. - Cut pieces of wallpaper and adhere them to the square sections of an interior door to see a new style personality emerge in any room. This is a great way to give a bathroom door a little character on the inside or even add a splash of patterned fun in your kid's bedroom.
3. Line your cabinets and drawers. - Contact paper, which is the normal choice for lining cabinets and drawers, is much the same thing as wallpaper with the exception of having an already-sticky backing. You can just as easily install wallpaper pieces on your cabinet shelves or inside of your drawers.
4. Add visual interest to the front of your steps. - If you want to give your stairway a total makeover, you can use pieces of wallpaper to make it happen. Simply cut the wallpaper in strips to fit the front side of each step and stick it in place.
5. Add some flair to your cabinet doors. - If you want to give your kitchen a little something extra where visual appeal is concerned, you can make a dramatic difference just by adding some wallpaper pieces to the cabinetry doors. You could choose to cover each door panel or just a few as a great focal point.